Penny Paintings
I was first asked to paint on some old pre decimalisation penny by Nikki Cornish, curator of the New City Gallery for an exhibition at The Houses of Parliament celebrating the New City of Southend. I was dubious at first that I would be able to paint anything on them, they are 3cm in diameter and my art is all about getting all the details. I painted 4 and was surprised how much detail I was able to achieve.
I have since taken up the challenge of getting more detail on these these coins and Im absolutely loving the challenge. There is something supremely satisfying about the challenge of producing work on such a small space, I love the discipline and amount of concentration that is needed.
I have since discovered other penny artists, there aren't many, such as Bryanna Marie & Jacqueline Lou Skaggs and societies such as the Royal Miniature Society and Hilliard Society with lots of artists who's passion is tiny art.
So unique are these teeny tiny works of art that I felt they needed a gallery page of their own.
I was very honoured to have 4 of these coins included in The Royal Miniature Society Annual Exhibition at The Bankside Gallery, London.
Enjoy x
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"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it"
Andy Warhol